Category Lent

A Palm Sunday Reflection

By Simon Appolloni, Editorial Director Palm Sunday inaugurates yet another Holy Week for approximately 2 billion Christians. Within this short span of time, we see Jesus’ life transform from a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to betrayal, his death and, ultimately, his…

God’s Redeeming Power: A Lenten Reflection

Matthew Sottile, Editor The 5th Sunday of Lent. Time feels as if it’s flying, as March has ended without so much as a warning. April’s first Gospel of the month speaks of a miracle, specifically Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from…

Perfect for Kids: Tell me About Series

By Anne Louise Mahoney, Editor It can be a challenge to hand on our faith to children these days. With so many activities and distractions vying for their attention, faith sharing can get lost in the shuffle. Luckily, few kids…

Shrove Tuesday: Preparing for Lent

By Matthew Sottile, Editor A day when Catholics everywhere prepare themselves for the challenges Lent will bring, yet also serves as an introspective moment of thanks. I say this because many celebrate the day with a heaping pile of pancakes,…

Ashes to Ashes

Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of those who sigh and groan. (Ezekiel 9:4) On Bill Donaghy’s Twitter page, there appears a humorous graphic entitled “A Catholic Guide to Ashes.” It playfully displays…