From a Pilgrim’s Notebook

A pilgrimage is unlike any other form of travel. The goal is not how many pictures you’ve taken or how many souvenirs can be squeezed into a suitcase but achieving some form of spiritual growth, a chance for a new…
A pilgrimage is unlike any other form of travel. The goal is not how many pictures you’ve taken or how many souvenirs can be squeezed into a suitcase but achieving some form of spiritual growth, a chance for a new…
On Wednesday night a group of us from Novalis were invited to a film screening at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, hosted by the Jesuit community in Toronto. There was good wine, beef and shrimp sliders (for us), popcorn (not for…
Art has long served as a source of spiritual inspiration—a way to learn more about what we believe as well as a vehicle to express thoughts and feelings transcend words. There is no greater treasure trove of Christian religious art…
Faith is at once a communal act and something intensely personal. While we pray together as one Church, our experiences, needs and concerns provide each of us with a very individual lens through which our faith life is filtered. So…
“Hic locus sanctus est.” This inscription,which translates to “This is a holy place,” can be found at the entrance to the little chapel of Porziuncula in Assisi. The tiny church, which now is enclosed within the walls of St. Mary…
The sheer scope of Christianity was brought home to our Living with Christ pilgrimage on our second day of touring. In the morning we visited the Catacombs of Saint Calixtus on the Appian Way, the road where Christ is said…
Pilgrimages have been taking place as long as people have had spiritual longing. I am currently on the latest Living with Christ pilgrimage, a trip to Italy called “Exploring the Roots of our Faith”. After landing in Rome yesterday, we…
I had a lot of opportunity to get acquainted with our newest book Faith and Literature Matters this past week. We have review copies of all our books to be sent out, to newspapers and online blogs. It could be more accurately…
Anyone even mildly aware of global events at the moment could be forgiven if they indulge in a bit of despair. Threatened by pestilence, war and environmental destruction, the world could use a large dose of hope. The Exaltation of…
Reading this book was like sitting down and having coffee with a priest. It was simple and casual—no big words, no endless Bible quotes, no tedious sermons. I felt perfectly at home. Fr. Rolheiser is the author of seven previous…