Write for Us!
Have you ever thought about writing for us? Well here is your chance!
We are now accepting submissions for our upcoming book Prayers and Devotions for Eucharistic Adoration. We are seeking original submissions of prayers and reflections from Canadians to include in the book. To submit your prayer, devotion or reflection for eucharistic adoration, email us or send to:
Don Beyers
Novalis Publishing
10 Lower Spadina Ave. #400
Toronto, ON M5V 2Z2
All submissions must be:
- Original prayers, devotions or reflections written by you
- No more than 250 words each
- Written in English
- Eucharistic-themed
No more than three submissions per person.
Submission Deadline: February 1, 2016
Please note that submissions will not be returned to the author. If your submission is chosen for publication, it will become the property of Novalis. We reserve the right to edit texts chosen for publication. You will receive a free copy of Prayers and Devotions for Eucharistic Adoration and your name will appear in the book.
Send us your prayers, devotions or reflections today!