Novalis Publishing wants to hear how God has been active in your life. Wisdom from our life stories can often be a powerful encouragement to others. If you would like to share your story of faith, we want to hear it!
If your work is selected, we will share your story in the monthly Living with Christ and you will also receive a 1-year free subscription.
If there are enough submissions, we may publish them in a book form. In such a case, you will receive a free copy of the book.
Submission guidelines:
- An original true story of God’s presence in your life
- Your story might be one of how God strengthened your faith, gave you a new hope or showed you his amazing love
- Please include a title with your story; your name, phone number and location; and a short biography of yourself
- In English, typed, please (handwritten submissions may be difficult to decipher)
- No longer than 700 words
Deadline: November 30, 2019
Send to: Natalia Kononenko at (email submissions only)
Questions: 416-363-3303 ext 2225
Please note that submissions will not be returned to the author. If your submission is chosen for publication, it will become the property of Novalis. We reserve the right to edit texts chosen for publication.