March was a trying month for everyone as we struggled with the grave repercussions of covid-19. It has touched each of us in ways we wouldn’t have thought possible even a few weeks ago.
Throughout the last few weeks of our physical isolation, we at Novalis and Living with Christ have tried to be with you, our readers and members of our Christian family, with our prayers and our resources to nourish our spirits. It has been gratifying to hear that some of this work has been gratefully received.
We received this comment below from a loyal reader of Prions en Église, our francophone publication. He also extended these thoughts to the English team:
“I’m writing to express my appreciation and congratulations on putting the daily texts (and the full Sunday edition) of the Prions en Eglise online for free download while our churches are closed. The very day I thought of sending you a note to suggest this (it’s the same Holy Spirit) I learned that it was already done. I think this is a good initiative on your part and know that it is appreciated.
I’m doing my best to spread the word.”
“May God bless you and your team, protect you and keep you.”
At the dawn of April, and with Holy Week approaching, there are glimpses everywhere of faith alive and inspiring.
What has been really heartening is the surge of people going online to find ways to connect with their Church. Though it has been heart-breaking to see our churches closed and our Masses restricted to a few participants, people have not let this stop them from being a part of those prayerful moments in whatever way their technology allows.
We have seen Zoom Masses (it wasn’t that long ago that most of us thought “zoom” was a noise kids made when playing with their toy cars), on-line rosaries, prayers and thoughts shared by the thousands. We have heard of digital confessions and large audiences for inspirational talks.
One of our Novalis team, National Sales Manager Maria Medeiros, tells how she spent her Saturday with more than 500 other women participating in an on-line Dynamic Women of Faith conference. They spent the day in prayer and reflection, with a talk from Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins highlighting the occasion.
Each day brings new signs of hope and encouragement. In his extraordinary Urbi et Orbi (to the city and the world) blessing on March 27, Pope Francis observed that this is “a time to choose what matters and what passes away, a time to separate what is necessary from what is not. It is a time to get our lives back on track with regard to you, Lord, and to others.”
Let’s take advantage of this time. Pray more. Connect (even if only digitally) with friends and family more. Find more time for reflection.
We at Novalis are thinking of how to help you do just that. As publishers, what we have to offer are resources such as prayers, reflections and Mass liturgies to address these grave times. Check out for FREE downloadable PDFs to help you. And, even now, we remain open at to give you more food for inspiration.
Whatever your circumstances, we wish you good health, courage and hope. Our prayers will be mingled with yours.
–Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director, Novalis