Despite the strange circumstances we find ourselves in during this time of pandemic, we have much to celebrate this Canada Day. Over the past few years, I have had the joy of traversing our country preparing a new book, to be published by Novalis this September.
Northern Light: A Canadian Prayer Book is filled with prayers and reflections and accompanied by original photographs that evoke aspects of the spiritual topography of Canada. It traces patterns of grace, justice, injustice, power and hope that are part of our sacred layer. Northern Light is the result of visio divina (sacred seeing) – of considering with eyes of faith particular scenes or the whole country. “Prayer for a Grander Vision,” featured below, is one of 12 extra prayers that will be available online when the book is published.
Pope Francis tells us in his 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home) that ecological conversion is needed to save our planet. We can discern the sacred in creation. This is also a lesson taught to us by Indigenous wisdom figures. We follow in their footsteps in recognizing the sacred flow that caresses our land. We celebrate a country that at its best strives toward this grander vision.
Prayer for a Grander Vision
Loving God,
Please send your Spirit of Wisdom over this land to guide our choices.
Let us be guided by hospitality and generosity in the face of isolation and fear.
Let us change our focus from today’s wants to the nobler horizon of tomorrow’s needs for this good green Earth.
Let the cardinal points of our moral compasses be love, justice, mercy and hope.
Let deep beauty illumine our decisions, leaving behind the crass and the petty.
Let us turn toward one another in humility and compassion to find strength in vulnerability.
Let us search for peace with listening hearts and courageous steps.
Let us reach back for those left behind and stretch forward along paths of grace.
Create in Canada a many-hued blanket that warms all who shelter under it.
Create in Canada welcoming circles of belonging and harmony.
Create in Canada communities that care for your creation.
Lead us beyond our lesser worries to this grander vision.

Pre-order your copy of Northern Light from our website or call 1-800-387-7164. This beautiful gift book offers inspiration for personal prayer and is a vibrant resource for Canadian parishes, schools, religious communities, and more. 112 pages. ISBN: 978-2-89688-745-3. $26.95 plus shipping.
–Les Miller retired as Religious Education, Family Life and Equity Coordinator with the York Catholic District School Board and then taught with OISE (University of Toronto), York University and Niagara University. He has written or contributed to over 20 books in the area of spirituality and Catholic education.