Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was a man led by the Spirit into many places he never thought he would have gone. In the song “Loyola,” I try to capture a little of the spirit of this Spirit-filled man. Ignatius was not an accomplished musician, nor am I, but when the Spirit puts a song in your heart, how can you keep from singing? The link at the end will take you to a video of the song embellished with the beautiful photographs of Matt Hendzel SJ. We both wish you a very blessed feast day of St. Ignatius!
I’m thinking about everything. I’m limping to Jerusalem.
I’ve seen the worst of it and it’s not enough to turn me off.
I’m writing the manual. I’m standing on principle.
My foundation is solid; it’s built on rock and cornerstone.
I’ve got friends everywhere. They listen to freedom.
When the silence arrives, they close their eyes and put their books down.
Spirit moves. She takes my hand,
makes me write what I can’t see
and dance where I can’t stand.
Spirit breathes. She fills my mind,
helps me live within my heart
and love outside of time.
I’m setting the table. I’m expecting company.
I went into the streets and begged all the hopeless to come.
I cry for the stars at night. I’ve become a good bureaucrat.
I sat by a river once and heard the cosmos sing one clear chord.
I’m thinking about everything. I’m not into worrying.
I don’t sleep all that much but I’m always beside a powerful dream.
Spirit moves. She takes my hand,
makes me write what I can’t see
and dance where I can’t stand.
Spirit breathes. She fills my mind,
helps me live within my heart
and love outside of time.
I’ve left my testament. I’ve sealed the covenant.
I smile upon the remnant—that’s all of you who carry the name.
–Greg Kennedy SJ is a Jesuit priest working as a spiritual director at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph, Ontario. His prayer often takes the form of poetry. Care of creation is central to his vocation. His new book, Reupholstered Psalms: Ancient Songs Sung New, is now available for purchase.
Happy Feast Day Fr Greg.
God’s Mighty Blessings upon you and all your endeavors.
God Bless