Even at the best of times, motherhood is a leap of faith. Women know what awaits them: sleepless nights, worry, emotional and physical demands, financial pressures, exhaustion and much more. They can’t be sure their child will be healthy or happy or, eventually, independent. And yet, they make that leap.
When the world is turned upside down – during war, economic turmoil, political standoffs, and even a pandemic – women choose motherhood. When many of us are fearful of the future, they choose hope. While governments rise and fall, mothers do their share of raising and guiding children who one day can bring about positive change. Mother figures can be found everywhere, helping to shape the minds and hearts of young people in their care.
We’re not outside our homes much these days, but when I head out for a walk through the neighbourhood, I am delighted to see many pregnant women and mothers of young children exploring their world with wonder and joy. Although hope can be in short supply these days, these mothers and children are a visible sign that despite the current state of the world, we have a future.
Mary’s “yes” to God’s invitation to be the mother of Jesus is a model for all people to move forward in faith, even when what lies ahead seems daunting or hard to comprehend. Perhaps that’s why many mothers have a devotion to Mary, the Mother of God, who knows their doubts and worries, their joys and longings.
Today and every day, we entrust our mothers to God’s care. Happy Mother’s Day!
In Praise of Mothers
God of love,
we thank you for the gift of our mothers:
mothers who labour to bring us into this world,
mothers to guide us on life’s journey,
mothers to teach us how to pray to you.
We praise you, God,
for mothers who listen to us and cry with us,
who applaud our progress and laugh with us,
who want the best for us, who dream with us,
who love us always.
We thank you, God,
for the gift of mothers. Amen.
Excerpted from Lisa Freemantle, Les Miller and Melinda Rapallo, Words for the Journey for Teens (Novalis)
Anne Louise Mahoney is Managing Editor of English books at Novalis and the editor of Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here.