Have you ever seen a sunrise or sunset and been mesmerized by its beauty?

Or Aurora Borealis in a dark winter’s night?
Those are the only experiences that I have had that could come close to what the disciples experienced with Jesus’ transfiguration.
My experiences were natural phenomena.
Jesus himself was transfigured.
Once when I was a young Sister, I was at a gathering of Sisters and I had the insight that if we knew deeply how much we were loved by God, we would “glow.”
This insight delighted me and I still believe it.
Maybe this is why Jesus was transfigured. He was absolutely confident about how the Father loved him. He was completely and fully open to his role in salvation history and his evolving mission.
We are familiar with super heroes having extraordinary power, but these powers are not caused by holiness or oneness with the Creator of all that is.
We like to be entertained by characters who can do battle with the forces of evil.
Are we as inspired by the source of our salvation who defeated the power of death?
Jesus, today is a day to be open to the mystery of your transfiguration.
Inspire us to be as confident about your Father’s love for us.
Guide us to recommit ourselves to our baptismal promises and so be a witness to your love and service in the world. Amen.
Pat Carter, CSJ is a disciple, a teacher and an advocate for the poor. She has been a Sister of St. Joseph for more than half of her life and loves to use words to inspire faith and laughter. She is a cantor at her parish of St. Jerome’s in Sault Ste. Marie.