I suspect that almost everyone knows who Sts. Peter and Paul were. These leaders of the early Church are known from Scripture, especially from the Acts of the Apostles and from Paul’s letters. Both were Jewish before they became Christian. Peter was called by Jesus in the early days of his ministry; Paul’s call and conversion was more dramatic.
To whom do you relate to more, the spontaneity of Peter or the intellect of Paul? The fisherman or the Pharisee? The one who denied knowing Jesus or the one who persecuted Jesus’ followers? I relate to both of them. Peter jumps in with both feet in his relationship with Jesus. He comes at life through his heart. Paul is disciplined and he desires that everyone come to know his Lord.
“Peter is mentioned 195 times in the New Testament. He appears lovable, impetuous, practical and sometimes weak under pressure (All the Saints of the Roman Calendar and More by Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, S.N.D. and other Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon).”
“[Paul] seems to have been affectionate, loyal, courageous, and dedicated. He was the right man to build the bridge between Jewish religion of the Old Testament and the Christianity of the New Testament.” (All the Saints of the Roman Calendar and More by Sister Mary Kathleen Glavich, S.N.D. and other Sisters of Notre Dame, Chardon).”
Let us ask their intercession that we too might be zealous apostles.
Lord of life and goodness,
You called St. Peter and St. Paul to mentor your early community of Christians.
The Church is still in need of leaders.
Help us to deepen our baptismal call, that
we may serve the Church using the gifts and talents
which you have endowed us and
guide us to know how to bring the Gospel to all people.
St. Peter, pray for us.
St. Paul, pray for us.
Pat Carter, CSJ is a disciple, a teacher and an advocate for the poor. She has been a Sister of St. Joseph for more than half of her life and loves to use words to inspire faith and laughter. She is a cantor at her parish of St. Jerome’s in Sault Ste. Marie.