Many adventures start with a dream or desire: we may find ourselves seeking a new or deeper life experience. Next comes a road map or outline to help us get from here to there. The time when we are immersed in the experience is one where we are closely connected to our senses and instincts. Once the adventure is behind us, we have the opportunity to put all the pieces together and notice how we’ve changed and how far we’ve come.
The Advent season, which begins on December 3 this year, can be an opportunity for adventures in spiritual growth. And they can follow the same pattern as travelling, or trying a new activity, or challenging ourselves to get out of our comfort zone.
A dream or desire for a new or deeper life experience
As we prepare for the birth of Jesus, we may feel a longing for peace, hope or joy stirring within us. Knowing that God is choosing to be with us, to live as one of us, can help us know that anything is possible.
Reflect: As a person of faith, what do I long for?
A road map or outline to help us get from here to there
We don’t have to travel this road alone. We can find support along the way, such as from other people, books, movies or music. We can pray, journal, draw or take long walks to help what we received from all these resources take root in us.
Reflect: Where can I find the support I need to move from dream to action?
Connecting to our senses
Life is noisy and busy much of the time. It’s hard to really pay attention to what’s going on beneath the surface. Finding moments where we can be still – at home, at church or in nature, for example – allows us to tune in and sense God’s loving, faithful presence.
Reflect: What am I seeing? Hearing? Feeling? Where and how is God speaking to me?
Putting it all together
Think about where you started from. Remember how you mapped out your journey and who or what guided your steps. Recall the moments when you stopped to listen for God’s voice – and what you heard. Thank God for this time of waiting, of seeking, of listening.
Reflect: What is different now? How can I move forward in a new way that incorporates what I have learned this Advent?
Pope Francis encourages us to pray “Come, Lord Jesus” throughout the day during Advent. By consciously inviting Jesus into our lives in this way, we stay connected to the path we’re on and find the courage to stay on it, despite uncertainty, fear or lack of direction at times.
As this time of active waiting approaches, I wish you a fruitful Advent-ure! Here are a few resources that can help you make your way through this hope-filled season.
• Word Made Flesh: Daily Reflections for Advent 2023, by Caroline Pignat: Start or end your day with a reflection on the daily scripture readings to keep your heart open and focused on the journey.
• Advent Goes to the Movies: Finding God through Film, by John Pungente SJ and Monty Williams SJ: Get off the beaten path and learn to see your life differently through carefully chosen movies with surprising insights for this time of year.
• Pilgrim Year: Advent, by Steve Bell: Join this Manitoba singer-songwriter on a journey filled with reflections, scripture, poetry and song – a feast for the heart and the soul for those on the pilgrim path.
• Doorways into Hope and Joy at Advent and Christmas, by Michael McGirr: Spending time each day with thought-provoking words and images while you catch your breath can help you draw closer to the God who loves us enough to become one of us.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Anne Louise Mahoney is managing editor of Novalis. She is the editor of Never-ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss and Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here and is the author of I Hope, a book for young children.