When you enter the Church of Santa Maria del Puopolo in Rome, you walk down the central aisle toward the ornate altar. We glance to the left to see a chapel which is dominated by three large masterpieces painted around…
When you enter the Church of Santa Maria del Puopolo in Rome, you walk down the central aisle toward the ornate altar. We glance to the left to see a chapel which is dominated by three large masterpieces painted around…
Today’s feast day is special for all writers and journalists. While some persons do earn their living in these particular professions, we are all writers. Even those who limit their written communications to text messages and emojis are writers. All…
No other book in history has been so influential in our culture and history than the Bible. Nor more misunderstood, misused, exploited, or simply ignored. The Bible is more than a list of rules or a magical story. It is…
“The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated around the world on January 18-25, which are also dates recommended by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. However, there has also been a long-standing practice by a number of communities…
Most of us cradle Catholics do not remember our baptism. Taken to the church in a white garment, we were sprinkled with water from the font and blessed with the oils of salvation. We grew up knowing who our godparents were,…
If you ever need evidence that many of us are not listening all that closely to the Sunday readings, watch the faces of the assembly on the feast of the Epiphany (though you’ll have to be an altar server, lector…
Another year has ended, and a new year begins… What will it bring? In a world where discord, intolerance and war are all too common, I find myself longing for peace like never before. According to the Global Citizen website,…