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Whether you’re on an exotic vacation or sitting in the park, nothing beats a good summer read.

When you don’t have space for bulky reading material in your suitcase or backpack, ebooks are just the thing. Since you can read ebooks on an e-reader, laptop, tablet or even your phone, they are perfect for when you want to dive into a book away from home.

Here are some wonderful reads from Novalis that are available as ebooks. Let the summer reading begin!

For the memoir/biography fan:

  • What Was There for Me Once, by Margaret Brennan, IHM: A charming and engaging memoir of a leading voice in the renewal of women’s religious life following Vatican II.
  • Les Costello: Canada’s Flying Father, by Charlie Angus: The biography of a tough-talking, justice-seeking, deeply spiritual man who reinvents himself by converting the skills and stamina of an athlete into the lifelong vocation of an inspired pastoral leader.

For the environmentalist:

  • For Earth’s Sake: Toward a Compassionate Ecology, by Stephen Bede Scharper: Reflects on how we can rethink and repair our relationship with the earth as we explore our faith from the point of view of the oppressed, alienated and suffering.
  • Generation Laudato Si’: Catholic Youth on Living Out an Ecological Spirituality, edited by Rebecca Rathbone and Simon Appolloni: Written entirely by youth (aged 17 to 35) from 20 countries, this book comprises the thoughts, wisdom, dreams and aspirations of a generation that wants to change how we run the economy, foster community, lead and govern, facilitate education, use and apply technology, and live among the rest of creation. 

For the history buff:

For the activist:

For the evangelist:

For the contemplative:

For those who could use a spiritual boost:

For the Bible reader:

For the worker:

  • Beatitudes for the Workplace, by Max Oliva, SJ: Looks at the eight virtues (wisdom, honesty, compassion, courage, forgiveness, justice, generosity and integrity) and their relationship to finding faith in the workplace. 

For the spiritual seeker:

For everyone:

Find more Novalis ebooks at New titles are added regularly, so check back soon for more great books. Happy reading!

Anne Louise Mahoney is managing editor of Novalis. She is the editor of Never-ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss and Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here and is the author of I Hope, a book for young children.

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