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Educators and students are returning to a new school year. During the business of the start-up, let us find a time to pause and consider our own vocations to teach and learn. In Matthew 28:19, we are called to “make disciples of all nations”. Not just catechists and teachers and clergy, but all of us are called to teach the Gospel in words and action.

Blessed are we ministers of the sacrament of listening.
Blessed are we who hear the voice of the vulnerable and scarred.
Blessed are we who hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.

Blessed are we ministers of the sacrament of peacemaking.
Blessed are we who seek the eyes of Jesus in the midst of our storms.
Blessed are we who seek harmony.

Blessed are we ministers of the sacrament of prayer.
Blessed are we who reach up and reach out and reach within for sacred presence.
Blessed are we who just stand in the midst of creation being with the creator.

Blessed are we ministers of the sacrament of balance.
Blessed are we who are both Mary and Martha.
Blessed are those who are happy to live in the tension between certainty and chaos.

Blessed are we ministers of creativity.
Blessed are we who translate inspiration into reality.
Blessed are we who see our work as educators as deep cooperation with the Creator.

Blessed are we ministers of healing.
Blessed are we who bind wounds with forgiveness and mercy.
Blessed are we who tend the injuries of our fragile planet.

Blessed are we ministers of wisdom.
Blessed are we who see the sacred in the question.
Blessed are we who leaven information with the Holy Spirit.

Blessed are we ministers of connection.
Blessed are we who nurture our communities.
Blessed are we who are citizens of the sacred layer.

Blessed are we ministers of gratitude.
Blessed are we who pause, ponder, and proceed.
Blessed are we contemplatives in action.

Blessed are we ministers of joy.
Blessed are we whose gratefulness overflows.
Blessed are we who embrace our own blessing and bless those we serve.

Blessed are we ministers of hope.
Blessed are we pilgrims on paths of insight, wisdom, and wonder.
Blessed are we seekers of your sacred footsteps.

Les Miller is a husband, dad, grandfather and catechist. He has served the Catholic education community for 40 years as teacher, chaplaincy team leader, Department Head. AQ Instructor, textbook writer, and Religious Education and Family Life Consultant. Les authored the 25 Questions SeriesWords for the Journey and award-winners Catholic Teacher’s Companion and Northern Light. Currently, he is an instructor and advisor with the Archdiocese of Toronto’s online Catechist formation program and lead contributor to the St. Monica Institute’s series on praying with art, Abide in Beauty.

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