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Lent tends to sneak up on me. Maybe it’s because I live in a snowy place where the landscape still looks like a Christmas card in March…

I find that one way to get into the spirit of Lent is through a good book. Here are a few suggestions along with ways to engage with this all-important season of penance and reflection:

  • Watch a movie: Lent Goes to the Movies: Finding God through Film offers synopses and reflections on 24 popular films, from Toy Story 2 to The Mission to Hidden Figures. Just add popcorn!
  • Pray the Stations of the Cross: Stations of Strength and Stations of Hope are just two options – there are many available for every theme and spiritual leaning.
  • Reflect daily: In Sacred Journey, Jeanne Lambert explores daily scripture readings and provides a prayer to carry in your heart for the day.
  • Go on a pilgrimage with a Canadian folk musician: In Pilgrim Year: Lent, Winnipeg singer-songwriter Steve Bell weaves words, prayer and song together to help you journey through Lent.
  • Do some exercises: Ignatian spiritual exercises, that is. The Ignatian Workout for Lent, by Tim Muldoon, contains prayers, reflections and suggested actions for the 40 days of Lent.
  • Have a tea or coffee break: And while you’re at it, indulge in This Cup We Bless, by Michael McGirr, as you take stock and find God in the ordinary moments of your day during Lent.
  • Celebrate: Living the Seasons, by Erica Tighe Campbell, presents all kinds of ideas for celebrating your faith in Lent, Easter and beyond: crafts, activities, meals and more.
  • Involve the kids: Invite the children in your life on A Journey through Lent with Jesus and help them get into the rhythm of Lent through daily thoughts, activities and prayers.

While you’re immersed in Lent, be sure to prepare your bookshelf for Holy Week and the feast of Easter. These gems will allow you to truly rejoice in the new life of the resurrection in your own spiritual life:

  • Delve deeper: Let author Eric Jensen SJ guide you in the Ignatian way with A Passionate Jesus in Holy Week as you pray through Christ’s Passion from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
  • Reflect every day: Keeping the Easter Season Alive, by Lorene Duquin, is filled with reflections, prayers and actions for each of the 50 days of Easter.
  • Reconnect with your faith: The Joy of Keeping the Faith, by Christine Way Skinner, is packed with ways to bolster your faith, whether you’re new to the Church or a lifelong Catholic, such as fostering a solid prayer life, living liturgically, connecting with the Christian community and exploring ongoing faith formation and development.
  • Be a pilgrim again: If you enjoyed Steve Bell’s Lent book, you’ll be happy to know that Pilgrim Year: Easter is also available. Join Steve for a reflective, poetic and musical journey through this joyous season.
  • Share the story with the kids: The Easter story is full of drama and wonder. Tell Me about Easter, What Do I See at Easter? (a treasure map with stickers), and the activity book Jesus Christ Is Risen Today are all great options for children.

May your Lenten journey be fruitful, and may you experience great joy throughout the Easter season!

Anne Louise Mahoney is managing editor of Novalis. She is the editor of Never-ending Love: Sharing Stories, Prayers and Comfort for Miscarriage and Infant Loss and Looking to the Laity: Reflections on Where the Church Can Go from Here and is the author of I Am and I Hope, two books that nourish the faith of young children.

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