What is One Home at a Time about? We wrote this book, to invite families to see themselves in a deeper way. It is often said, sometimes glibly, but none the less, “Change the way you think and you change the…
What is One Home at a Time about? We wrote this book, to invite families to see themselves in a deeper way. It is often said, sometimes glibly, but none the less, “Change the way you think and you change the…
On this feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), I want to share something from this giant philosopher/theologian’s writings which I find remarkable. It should give us reason to pause and re-think what we are doing to creation as a…
What colour was the horse off which Saul was knocked on the road to Damascus? The Bible doesn’t say. In very fact, the Bible doesn’t mention a horse at all. At some murky point in history, the anonymous quadruped trotted…
Each year on January 24, the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, a Doctor of the Church, patron of journalists, writers and the deaf. In an age of media overload, he is particularly relevant given that…
In some ways, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity seems kind of old-fashioned, something we thought more about in the 60’s. But the more I think and read about the issues around unity, the more I think it is…
Do you agree or disagree with each the following? Science proves that there is no God. Scripture challenges scientific theories and laws. The world was created in 6 (24-hour) days (followed by a day of rest). Darwin’s theory of evolution…
The feast of the Baptism of Our Lord marks the end of the Christmas season. It often feels like a transitional time, maybe a bit sad and boring for little ones, and a bit of a lull for those working…
When I was little, I loved the three Advent rituals we did at our house: the Advent calendar with its little cardboard doors that opened one day at a time to reveal tiny pictures and bible verses; the Advent wreath,…
The reforms of the liturgical calendar after Vatican II were an attempt to prune things back and keep Christ at the center of things. When it comes to January 1, however, things at first seem to be almost as crowded…
When I think “holy,” I often think “perfect.” So the Holy Family can be a bit intimidating. How can our families ever measure up? Part of the issue is that we don’t get the full story of Mary, Joseph and…