Novalis Seeds of Faith

Novalis Seeds of Faith

Staff Profile: Joseph Sinasac

Joseph Sinasac, our publishing director here at Novalis, talks about some of his activities, the publishing industry and current events. You’re involved in several organizations outside of work. Can you tell us about some of your activities? Besides being active…

Churches in Guatemala

Recently I had the opportunity to travel in Guatemala. Aside from the stunning scenery and welcoming people, I was amazed at the numerous, beautiful churches I encountered all over the country. Guatemala is a very religious country, with a large…

Why Abstain?

Over the past few weeks I’ve been wrestling with the realization that I no longer appreciate feasts. I became poignantly aware of this last Christmas. It was not that I wasn’t enjoying the day, but rather that it felt no…

Unsung Heroes

Today we mark the World Day for Consecrated Life—and well we should. Throughout history and in many countries around the world, religious communities have been the channel of the Church’s message of love and faith. In Canada, we suffer from…


January was cruel for Toronto public schools, teachers, students and parents. Putting aside the resignation of the Director for alleged plagiarism, everyone has suffered from the lack of leadership displayed by most of the adults in this sorry tale. Parents…