When you are born into a faith you think that everyone thinks like you do. You see the world from your own skin and your own perspective. As a child growing up in Scarborough, I saw the world divided into Catholic…
When you are born into a faith you think that everyone thinks like you do. You see the world from your own skin and your own perspective. As a child growing up in Scarborough, I saw the world divided into Catholic…
By the time Martha looked upstream the dove was just a mote in the sky and the words “my beloved” were trickling off beyond perception like a rose petal on the face of the River Jordan. What it was exactly,…
I remember long ago an anecdotal story of the conference of bishops of Brazil who ended their meetings about policies and procedures with the question: “Well gentlemen, how have we helped the poor today?” Whether this account is true or…
To make today’s World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation truly inspiring, I’d like to suggest that we pray Pope Francis’ wonderful prayer below. But before we do that, let us start with a contemplation of what he means…
May 24 marks the fifth year since arrival of Laudato sí, Pope Francis’ encyclical On Care for Our Common Home. This is Francis’ greatest gift to us so far. I truly believe this. Laudato sí is a frank (pun intended), and science-based account of…
Glen Argan has spent more than 35 years writing and editing in Canada’s Catholic press and has two graduate degrees in theology. Here he answers some of our questions about his newly released Create in Me a Clean Heart: An…
November 2 should be a great day in the life of the Christians. We are the ones who are supposed to have a positive attitude towards death, that “life has changed, not ended” as the ritual says. But there are…
I didn’t know of Steve Bell when I first came across his Pilgrim Year series. Each of the seven books explores one of these rich liturgical seasons: Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent Holy Week Easter Ordinary Time Each season hold its…
In the 1200s, Francis of Assisi made people feel uncomfortable about their lavish lifestyles and disregard for the poor. He got into much trouble for his prophetic lifestyle. Eventually, he was lauded for his beautiful model of voluntary poverty and…
Although not observed this year, August 11 is generally recognized as a feast day of St. Clare of Assisi (1194-1253). Born into a noble and wealthy Italian family, at 17 years of age, upon hearing a young man (Francis of…