Santo Subito!
In honour of tonight’s celebration of our recently published book John Paul II: A Saint for Canada, we share with you a brief excerpt from the introduction of the book. If you’re in the Toronto area this evening, join us at…
In honour of tonight’s celebration of our recently published book John Paul II: A Saint for Canada, we share with you a brief excerpt from the introduction of the book. If you’re in the Toronto area this evening, join us at…
This April will be a memorable month for Catholics around the world. Along with Easter, we will be celebrating two special canonizations and the publication of the first book by Pope Francis for the general public. On April 27, Divine…
It’s probably the most famous seagull in the world. You might remember. A year ago today, people filled the square in front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, waiting for the election of a new pope. Millions more watched from…
“That they may all be one.” To Christians around the world, this prayer of Jesus (John 17.21) is something of a mantra at this time of year. From Saturday, Jan. 18, to Sunday, Jan. 26, our churches will echo with…
Of all the documents of the Second Vatican Council, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, led to some of the most significant and visible reforms of the Church’s life. While many of those changes are easily identifiable, such as…
“Almighty ever-living God, hear our prayers for those who died in defence of country and freedom; grant them eternal rest, and peace to us who keep faith with them, that we may be instruments of your reconciliation and peace, following…
Having a feast for all the Saints is probably one of the most humble, practical, and happy things we can do as a Church. It is an act of humility because it makes us aware that there are countless saints…
Increasing critiques of Halloween have led many Christians to question the day’s festivities. Some argue that the day’s customs have roots in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, despite several scholars’ arguments to the contrary. Others, such as one official…
Our liturgical celebrations this weekend mark World Mission Sunday, an annual event in the life of the Church. But in one sense, every Sunday is a “mission Sunday.” At the end of each Mass, we are told to go and…
All of us at Novalis wish you and your families a wonderful Canada Day. Let us not forget to pray for the well-being of all women and men living in our country and that we, as a nation, may work…