In the Catholic church, St. Maximilian is honoured as a confessor of the faith and a martyr of charity. He is most well known for offering to stand in the place of one of the men sentenced to starve to…
In the Catholic church, St. Maximilian is honoured as a confessor of the faith and a martyr of charity. He is most well known for offering to stand in the place of one of the men sentenced to starve to…
Imagine you are Peter, one of Jesus’s closest disciples along with John and James. Jesus leads the three of you to the top of a mountain, where you witness something extraordinary, an event unlike anything the world has ever seen.…
If you think back on growing up as a Catholic, you may discover many ways that St. Ignatius of Loyola has influenced your faith development. St. Ignatius left an indelible mark on the Catholic Church. This was a saint who took…
In the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, July 26 is the feast day of Saints Anne and Joachim, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These saints are not biblical figures. Most of what is known about them comes from apocryphal…
On this day of celebration, we honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At the same time, this World Day of Prayer invites all to pray for the sanctification of priests. One website offers an invitation to participate in a world-wide…
One of the traditional features of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi is a liturgical procession. Processions were a significant feature of the 19th century church as shown here in this painting of a Rogation Day procession through the wheat fields…
The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once said “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Whether this is the case at all times or not, it is…
Adapted from There Must be a Pony in Here Somewhere: Everyday Stories of God’s Goodness by Michael and Christine Way Skinner (Novalis, 2020) I am proud that I was made a Dad through adoption. One night, when my son Patrick…
February 8 marks the memorial of St. Josephine Bakhita. This is also the annual day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. When we hear St. Josephine Bakhita’s story, we realize that this is not a coincidence. As a young…
When you enter the Church of Santa Maria del Puopolo in Rome, you walk down the central aisle toward the ornate altar. We glance to the left to see a chapel which is dominated by three large masterpieces painted around…