What do you know about St. Patrick? That his favourite colour was green? That he banished all the snakes in Ireland? That he was Catholic? So little is known fact about St. Patrick because he lived sometime between 389 and…
What do you know about St. Patrick? That his favourite colour was green? That he banished all the snakes in Ireland? That he was Catholic? So little is known fact about St. Patrick because he lived sometime between 389 and…
I admire those of you who keep steady and committed Lenten observance.I feel like my work in music ministry keeps me mindful, but if I wasn’t singing, I might get distracted and fall off the journey. I have no problem…
Each month, the Pope sets before the People of God a special intention for the worldwide Church to bring to prayer. This month he asks that we pray for victims of abuse: We pray for those who have suffered harm…
Life has taught me that people talk about each other. At its worst, this is manifested in gossip that is more rooted in rumour than fact. At its best, it is expressed in the words of admiration and inspiration that…
It’s a mark on the forehead that means so much. A gym full of children listen to the readings, sing hymns and receive their ashes. They are a bit silly, asking each other about what the cross looks like on…
It’s hard not to see all the things that are going wrong in the world. Many areas are suffering from the effects of climate change. The war in Ukraine heartbreakingly grinds on. Closer to home, fellow citizens can’t find common…
When you are sick or feeling like you are coming down with something nasty, what do you want? Most people will answer that they want their mothers, even if they are adult. Today is the Marian Memorial of Our Lady…
Today, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, is my favourite feast day! When I mention it, people usually ask why and I never have an answer. I thought I’d ponder that here today as an…
A great light from heaven shone about him and a voice spoke, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” This how Saul, a persecutor of Christians became Paul, arguably one of the most influential saints in the history of Christianity.…
Many of us go through life with regrets and worries. Some of these are unavoidable and even unsought as we live our daily lives on this planet. Yet, both can put pressure on our moments, and many times rob us…