The feast of the Baptism of Our Lord marks the end of the Christmas season. It often feels like a transitional time, maybe a bit sad and boring for little ones, and a bit of a lull for those working…
The feast of the Baptism of Our Lord marks the end of the Christmas season. It often feels like a transitional time, maybe a bit sad and boring for little ones, and a bit of a lull for those working…
When I was little, I loved the three Advent rituals we did at our house: the Advent calendar with its little cardboard doors that opened one day at a time to reveal tiny pictures and bible verses; the Advent wreath,…
The reforms of the liturgical calendar after Vatican II were an attempt to prune things back and keep Christ at the center of things. When it comes to January 1, however, things at first seem to be almost as crowded…
When I think “holy,” I often think “perfect.” So the Holy Family can be a bit intimidating. How can our families ever measure up? Part of the issue is that we don’t get the full story of Mary, Joseph and…
The Christmas scene inside a church is joyful and glittering. It is a warm environment with welcoming smiles and lots of hugs (and, of course, the heat is on!). Although a manger is there, it is contrasted with the coldness…
Glen Argan has spent more than 35 years writing and editing in Canada’s Catholic press and has two graduate degrees in theology. Here he answers some of our questions about his newly released Create in Me a Clean Heart: An…
A review of How Not to Read the Bible: An Authentic Catholic Approach to Scripture Today “The Bible should come with a warning label on the cover. ‘Warning: Misreading this text can cause confusion, intolerance, ignorance, and even violence.’” This…
Many years ago, my co-worker – a priest from Czechoslovakia – and I were leading a group of candidates for initiation. It was Advent and we decided to explore some of the traditions of the season – one of which…
The Immaculate Conception is a relatively new feast (established universally in 1854), and so there isn’t a long tradition of devotions and customs for this day. Evidently in 1854 people put lit candles in paper lanterns to show their joy…
The world has forgotten Advent. We go from Thanksgiving and Halloween directly to the “Holiday Season,” with Christmas Day as its culmination. It is all tinsel and chimes and Hallmark Card warm-and-fuzzy movies. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…