July 22 used to be a memorial of St. Mary of Magdalene. Two years ago, Pope Francis raised that celebration to the level of a feast. There are now calls to raise it to a solemnity. That could be a…
July 22 used to be a memorial of St. Mary of Magdalene. Two years ago, Pope Francis raised that celebration to the level of a feast. There are now calls to raise it to a solemnity. That could be a…
How is your summer going? Are you as busy as always, or have you had some time to re-charge? Do you have any special plans coming up? Rest is important for our bodies and for our souls. Scripture is filled…
Beth Porter has been a member of the L’Arche Daybreak community for four decades. Here she answers some of our questions about her recently released book. 1. What was your biggest goal in writing Accidental Friends? When I retired, I…
As an editor, I read books for a living. Dream job! I love suggesting books to people, hoping that a new author or title will grab their attention and help them to see the world or their faith in a…
I teach environmental studies for a class of 500 students at University of Toronto (when I am not publishing books). I present students with the scary facts about climate change (I am afraid they are indeed scary). Part of our…
The older we get, the faster that birthdays breeze by. When we were young, they proceeded at a stately pace. Now they’re just a blur. Canada is 152 years old this year. Only a heartbeat ago, we were celebrating our…
It seems that God couldn’t have chosen two people more different in background for his ministry than Simon (Peter), an uneducated fisherman, who led a fairly uneventful and quiet life, and Saul (Paul), who had the very best of education,…
When I was growing up, we often had Sunday dinner at my grandparents’ house. My grandmother was a wonderful cook, and we all looked forward to our visits there. There would be seven of us around the table, but someone…
Simon Appolloni, Associate Publishing Director My query, and appropriate I think, considering we are celebrating the feast of Corpus Christi, is this: if the Eucharist truly is the body and blood of Christ, why do we not seem concerned whether its original…
A lot of fathers I know really don’t know what to do with Father’s Day. We don’t need more ties. Golf paraphernalia, T-shirts and other odds and sods, while sometimes handy, are actually beside the point. But what is the…