Have the Courage to Be Happy
Does it really take courage to be happy? Happiness is not easy laughter, it is not the victory of a team or winning the lottery, nor is it finding all the answers to one’s problems. For Christians, what is happiness?…
Does it really take courage to be happy? Happiness is not easy laughter, it is not the victory of a team or winning the lottery, nor is it finding all the answers to one’s problems. For Christians, what is happiness?…
Back in 1974, Pope Paul IV spoke insightfully of evangelizing in today’s world. “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses,” he said in his…
Many years ago, while in my late teens, I would stay up late and watch TV. Those late-night hours gave me the chance to watch “Saturday Night Live,” “The Late Show with David Letterman” and reruns of old episodes from…
The month of June is traditionally set apart for devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On June 12, we will celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the feast that sets the mood for the whole month.…
My parish church, some time ago, switched from packaged communion wafers to substantial bread. Normally, we’d make do with wafers that looked and tasted like styrofoam cutouts, but after they started using the substantial bread at special occasions, it became…
Each year the pope issues a statement for World Communications Day, which will be held May 17, to offer a spiritual reflection on the nature of global communications. This year, Pope Francis focuses on the family. That is hardly surprising…
When asked “How do I know if God is calling me?” on the blog A Nun’s Life, Sister Cheryl Rose assures her readers that “God will speak in a way that you can hear”: If you are a quiet spirit,…
Fr. James Mulligan, CSC, is a well-known and popular figure in Catholic education in Canada. His passion for Catholic education and insights into its challenges and future always draw huge crowds at professional development conferences. And his book Catholic Education:…
On Thursday April 23rd, we were joined by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, for the official book launch of the Jesuit History Series, Teachers of a Nation and Builders of a Nation. The launch of the…
With an expected attendance of over 80, Novalis Books will be celebrating the publication of the Jesuit History Series on Thursday, April 23 at Regis College. Not just another book launch, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, will…