Akathist to the Mother of God

A Prince of the Angels was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos, Rejoice! A Prince of the Angels was sent from Heaven to say to the Theotokos, Rejoice! A Prince of the Angels was sent to the Theotokos, Rejoice! And seeing Thee, O Lord, take bodily form at the sound of his bodiless voice, filled with amazement he stood still and cried aloud to Her:

Rejoice! For through thee joy shall shine forth:
Rejoice! For through thee the curse shall cease.
Rejoice! Recalling of fallen Adam:
Rejoice! Deliverance from the tears of Eve.
Rejoice! Height hard to climb for the thoughts of men:
Rejoice! Depth hard to scan even for the eyes of Angels.
Rejoice! For thou art the throne of the King:
Rejoice! For thou holdest Him Who upholds all.
Rejoice! Star causing the Sun to shine:
Rejoice! Womb of the Divine Incarnation.
Rejoice! For through thee the creation is made new:
Rejoice! For through thee the Creator becomes a newborn Child.
Rejoice! O Unwedded Bride!

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