Theologian: Explain Ascension.
Earth: Ask asparagus.
Theologian: What on Earth do you mean?
Earth: Both in the Earth and of it, asparagus ascends
with vernal force into low-lying sky
begging working hands to come
bend, break and eat.
Theologian: But what about the Trinity?
Earth: In the roots perennial, yes,
even in the silent season
beneath the freeze unseen
the Creator does not cease
to send, though slow, the second
through soil with upward surge
all power resting in the deeply buried crown;
and the surge itself
pure spirit connecting
always Creator and Creating
ever climbs the solid holy rungs
of Earth-born gravity.
Theologian: But in all this heavy Earthiness I fail to see the Kingdom really come.
Earth: Man of Galilee and Library, why do you stand there
looking up to heaven?
Greg Kennedy, SJ is a Jesuit priest working as a spiritual director at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph, Ontario. His prayer often takes the form of poetry. Care of creation is central to his vocation. His recent publications include Joyful, Mournful Noises and The Hard Road Up to Hallelujah, volume 2 and volume 3, respectively, in the Reupholstered Psalms series.