The Cross as Royal Throne

Jesus enters Jerusalem, to die on the cross, and it is precisely here where his condition as king according to God shines. The cross becomes his royal throne. –A Year with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections from His Writings
Jesus enters Jerusalem, to die on the cross, and it is precisely here where his condition as king according to God shines. The cross becomes his royal throne. –A Year with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections from His Writings
This April will be a memorable month for Catholics around the world. Along with Easter, we will be celebrating two special canonizations and the publication of the first book by Pope Francis for the general public. On April 27, Divine…
Novalis author Lucinda Vardey recently shared on her website how she discovered Sister Marie-Aimée De Jésus’ spiritual treasure The Twelve Degrees of Silence, recently published by Novalis. A long winter of illness had curtailed any strength to speak. Devoid of distractions,…
“When the Lord looks at our fragility, he invites us to take care of it not with fear but with courage. “Don’t be afraid, I have overcome the world!” (Jn 16:33) “I am with you always until the end of…
“God does not want a house built on stone but on faithfulness to his word and to his plan.” -Pope Francis, A Year with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections from His Writings
Today’s readings serve as a kind of instruction manual in how to lead a life of faith. The psalm, for example, lays out the starting point of faith, reminding us of the importance of being receptive to the Word of…
“Let it be said without irreverence: there is no one more inefficient than God. Consider the lack of logic in his investment and in the purpose of that spending: sacrificing his Son for a sinful and ungrateful humanity, past and…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: parishes with RCIA programs are incredibly blessed – and particularly so during Lent – because the presence of those seeking entry into the Church re-energizes the entire community. It’s not uncommon…
It’s probably the most famous seagull in the world. You might remember. A year ago today, people filled the square in front of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, waiting for the election of a new pope. Millions more watched from…
“Listening, acceptance of failures and mistakes, admission of errors, in short, assuming our weakness, are indeed the necessary ingredients for a dialogue in search of the truth leading us all to build a common project.” -Pope Francis, A Year with Pope…