Novalis Seeds of Faith

Novalis Seeds of Faith

St. Thomas Aquinas

As a young university student, I learned a prayer that continues to speak deeply to me to this day: “Grant, O Merciful God, That I may ardently desire, Truthfully acknowledge, And perfectly accomplish, What is pleasing to Thee, For the…

The Cost of Faith

If I know anything about human nature, I’d say the rich young man who asks Jesus about eternal life expects a very different answer. While today’s Communion antiphon is taken from Matthew’s gospel, this encounter is detailed in all three…

A Universal Church

When many of us hear the term ‘catholic,’ we often think of the Catholic Church. In fact, each Sunday you might recall that we say this word when we pray the Creed: “I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic…

New Year’s Greetings

New Years’ greetings and best wishes to all our friends on this first day of 2013. During this Year of Faith, we look forward to carrying on our 77-year-old tradition of providing accessible, affordable resources for worship, prayer and living…