Category Christian Action

A Glass Half-full

By Simon Appolloni, Editorial Director As our neighbours to the south prepare to give thanks this weekend, I am reminded of a book Novalis published some time ago, a book that is perhaps even more relevant today: Radical Gratitude, by…

Portraits of Faith: Where Would I Be without God? An Incredible Journey

The following is an excerpt from one of our new Fall 2016 titles, Portraits of Faith: Young Adult Catholics Share Their Stories. This book contains a collection of 15 essays by young Catholics from across Canada, and offers a series of portraits from this…

Remembering Henri Nouwen on his 20th Anniversary

By Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director Henri Nouwen devotees everywhere will recall this day 20 years ago: It was when we heard the news that this spiritual thinker par excellence had died. I remember it clearly myself. I was at a…