We Remember…
Let us pray this day for all those women and men who have given their lives in service of this country. O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their…
Let us pray this day for all those women and men who have given their lives in service of this country. O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their…
The recent federal election was one of the most hard-fought in recent years. It’s become clear that the voter turnout was up considerably and the interest in politics has jumped to a new level. How timely, then, that we at…
Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Jerome (c. 347–420). This monk and theologian was fluent in classical Latin, Greek and Hebrew and was the greatest biblical scholar of the ancient Church. We remember him most for his translation of…
I am writing this at the World Meeting on the Family in Philadelphia, where I’ve found a temporary home at the Bayard exhibit. Many Canadians have been kind enough to stop by for a visit, telling me about their hometowns,…
Our publishing director, Joseph Sinasac, was the keynote speaker at the 50th-anniversary celebration of the Western Catholic Reporter. Among his many observations, Joseph writes: The paper is not independent of the authority of the archbishop whose duty it is to…
Catholics all over North America are excited about the arrival of Pope Francis to the United States this week. One of the highlights of his trip will be a visit to Philadelphia to underline his love and concern for the…
Today’s feast—the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary—is a special occasion for joy. Nine months ago, Mary was immaculately conceived. Today, we celebrate her birth. Not much can be found about the birth of Mary within the gospel stories. Our…
With Pope Francis in the news on a daily basis, it’s worth recalling another famous reforming pope. Sept. 3 marks the Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, pope from 590 to 604. In his own way he made a similar…
It’s hard to imagine anyone being opposed to caring for our planet. After all, it’s our home – if we don’t take proper care of it, we are the ones who will suffer. But despite recent warnings from scientists that…
On this day, the Feast of St. Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, we share with you an excerpt from Augustine’s work The Confessions. Augustine, caught up in profound grief over the death of his mother, finally allows his emotions to flow from…