When I was growing up, one of the books we had at home was both intriguing and somewhat macabre – The Lives of the Saints. What wonders could be found between its burgundy covers! These accounts started off nicely enough,…
When I was growing up, one of the books we had at home was both intriguing and somewhat macabre – The Lives of the Saints. What wonders could be found between its burgundy covers! These accounts started off nicely enough,…
I didn’t know of Steve Bell when I first came across his Pilgrim Year series. Each of the seven books explores one of these rich liturgical seasons: Advent Christmas Epiphany Lent Holy Week Easter Ordinary Time Each season hold its…
I sometimes wonder what went through Pope John XXIII’s mind before he announced the Second Vatican Council on January 25, 1959. What an amazing and bold step to take for a 77-year-old pope who was elected on the 12th ballot…
In the 1200s, Francis of Assisi made people feel uncomfortable about their lavish lifestyles and disregard for the poor. He got into much trouble for his prophetic lifestyle. Eventually, he was lauded for his beautiful model of voluntary poverty and…
Have you seen the October cover of Living with Christ yet? It is graced with a beautiful image of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus (St. Thérèse of Lisieux) whose feast day we celebrate on October 1. Most Catholics are…
I’m not a grandparent, but I’ve spent a lot of time observing grandparents over the years – my own and other people’s. I’ve decided it’s a pretty good gig: you get lots of time and cuddles from your grandchildren when…
Novalis Publishing wants to hear how God has been active in your life. Wisdom from our life stories can often be a powerful encouragement to others. If you would like to share your story of faith, we want to hear…
It’s a little ironic that Labour Day — an occasion to honour the sweat of our brow and the work of our hands — is actually a holiday. Nice touch! Actually, it’s a blessing for all of us that the…
Pope Francis has slated September 1 as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. And we will certainly need all the prayers we can muster. The state of creation is not good: depending on whether we refuse…
As the mother of a son, I have always felt a connection with St. Monica. I mean, sometimes all you can do is pray! Her eldest son, Augustine (354–430), was a rather wayward lad who didn’t want his mother following…