Category Family

Repent with Sorrow, Give with Joy

By Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director On Ash Wednesday, we begin our annual journey to the foot of the cross. Over the coming weeks, as we work through our Lenten preparations for Easter, the Sunday readings offer both highs and lows,…

Shrove Tuesday: Preparing for Lent

By Matthew Sottile, Editor A day when Catholics everywhere prepare themselves for the challenges Lent will bring, yet also serves as an introspective moment of thanks. I say this because many celebrate the day with a heaping pile of pancakes,…

Be Servants of Hope in a World of Fake News

By Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director Does the Catholic Church have anything relevant to say about the spread of “fake news” and its impact on political debate? Pope Francis offers an unalloyed “yes!” In his Communications Day Message for 2017 (issued…

The Presentation of the Lord

By Anne Louise Mahoney, Editor The Bible is short on details when it comes to Jesus’ early life. In fact, Luke’s gospel covers Jesus’ first 12 years in a mere 34 verses! But in between his birth and his being…

Not with blows, but with charity: Remembering St. John Bosco

Natalia Kononenko, Editor of Living with Christ “Not with blows, but with charity…” Today we celebrate the feast of St. John Bosco, widely known as Don Bosco. Among other things, he is well known for his ministry to the young…

On the Quebec Shooting

Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director Canada has its own racist demons. Can we learn anything from the killing of six Muslims at a suburban mosque near Quebec City on Jan. 29? How do we respond – as individuals and collectively –…

Merry Christmas from the Novalis Team!

Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director Why do we love Christmas? Why do we spend so much time, energy, money and angst in preparing for this single day? For many reasons, I suppose, but at its heart, Christmas responds to our deep…

Literature’s Impact

By Matthew Sottile, Editor  By definition, literature consists of “written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.” The books we cherish move us to tears, educate youth, and transport us to worlds far away. I think we…

St. John of the Cross

By Anne Louise Mahoney, Editor Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield recently published a book for children called The Darkest Dark. It turns out that this intrepid spaceman was once afraid of the dark! It’s only when he sees the moon landing…