Category Faith

Sharing Our Story: The Spiritual Affect of Grandparents

One of the titles in our new fall lineup, Sharing Our Story: How Grandparents Today Pass on the Catholic Faith, explores the practical, emotional and spiritual ways that grandparents (and all elders in the faith community) can guide the faith journey…

Remembering Saint Philip Neri

By Matthew Sottile, Editor Today we remember Saint Philip Neri, the Apostle of Rome, for all he did with the sick and the poor, and how such acts affect our day-to-day as Catholics. We’re asked to lend a helping hand,…

Our Lady of Fatima: A Message of Peace for an Exhausted World

By Natalia Kononenko, Editor of Living with Christ This month marks the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal. Much can be said of the event that began in 1917, but continued for months and…

Holy Thursday

By Matthew Sottile, Editor Today marks Holy Thursday, which means Easter is upon us. Before celebrating the Risen Lord, we must revisit the moments leading up to the Death and Resurrection. Today, transubstantiation is positioned at the center of our…

A Palm Sunday Reflection

By Simon Appolloni, Editorial Director Palm Sunday inaugurates yet another Holy Week for approximately 2 billion Christians. Within this short span of time, we see Jesus’ life transform from a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, to betrayal, his death and, ultimately, his…

God’s Redeeming Power: A Lenten Reflection

Matthew Sottile, Editor The 5th Sunday of Lent. Time feels as if it’s flying, as March has ended without so much as a warning. April’s first Gospel of the month speaks of a miracle, specifically Jesus’ raising of Lazarus from…